Marketing & Advertising

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SD Digital And Marketing Solutions Ltd. , Branded as SPACEDAWG is a full-service marketing agency. We are passionate about what we do and strive to evolve through excellence. No client is too large or small, our multi-faceted expertise allows us to design and implement solutions for diverse industry sectors. Spacedawg will assess your requirements and deliver a world-class solution maximizing your budget. We will remain a company that seeks to do more for your marketing needs. A strong multicultural and multinational understanding is a Spacedawg competence. We believe that it is our team’s international exposure and experience that gives us the edge in both creative thinking and execution standards. In a world that moves at a pace of a nanosecond, market conditions change in a heartbeat. Spacedawg, with homegrown and international experience, understands the importance of creating an impact for its clients. After all the value of a first impression is for a lifetime!
Our Services


Build the identity
  • Brand Guideline
  • Logo/Mnemonic
  • Packaging Design
  • Merchandise Design
  • Photography
  • Videography


Social Media Management
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Linkedin
  • Whatsapp


  • Analytics and keywords
  • Ranking
  • Accessibility and indexing
  • Competitive Analysis
  • SEM – Search Engine Marketing


Design and Creative
  • Graphics
  • Animation
  • Video Production
  • Website Design
  • Content Development


Corporate Events & Activation
  • Conferences
  • Exhibition Management
  • Trade Fairs
  • Product Launches
  • Dealer Meet
  • Brand Activations
  • Consumer Engagement


Entertainment Events
  • Concert promotion & management
  • Sporting events and tournaments
  • Venue Launch
  • Contests and pageants
  • Road Shows
  • Fashion show production
  • Reality TV


Talent Management
  • Artist Management
  • International artist supply &
    management service
  • Sourcing of acts & performances
    [International & Local]


Back Office/ BPO
  • Telemarketing
  • Data Entry
  • Planning & Turnkey implementation
    of back office work

The Agile Minds

Agile Minds Corporation (“AMC”) is a Bangladeshi company founded in 2020. It aims to bring advances, innovation, and investments to the country by uniting over a dozen companies and their resources, together with private, institutional, and NGO investors such as the WHO, IFC, DFP, and the UNDP.